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Tag: ei2

Why ei2?

Listen in as some of the ei2 members talk about where ei2 has been, how it has evolved and where we are going! One of our missions is to create a culture where experimentation is built into our daily routines. In this podcast, we talk about the challenges and value of making innovation a priority!

Hosts: Natalie Gerdes, Stacy Kozisek, Brian Wohlers, Jason Norris
Producer: Stacy Kozisek
Editor: Tamara Sutton

Why ei2?
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Try/Catch Podcast Intro

Several members of ei2 sat down to talk about why we’re excited about this podcast, and why you should be too! There’s a lot we want to do with it, and we’ve already recorded some great episodes. This is a quick one, so give it a listen and you’ll have all the details about what’s in store and how you can get involved!

Hosts: Tamara Sutton, Brian Wohlers, Stacy Kozisek, Jason Norris, Natalie Gerdes
Producer: Jason Norris
Editor: Jason Norris

Try/Catch Podcast Intro
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